Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do." Helen Keller

I Will ...

I'll Spread My Wings and I'll Learn How to Fly.
I'll Do What It Takes Till I Touch the Sky.


Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things

Just saying ;)

It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown.

Gandhi's 7 Dangers to Human Virtue

1 - Wealth Without Work
2 - Pleasure Without Conscience
3 - Knowledge Without Character
4 - Business Without Ethics
5 - Science Without Humanity
6 - Religion Without Sacrifice
7 - Politics Without Principle

Keep Dreaming

The Best Dream Happen When You're Awake.

Be the good.

Believe there is good in the world.

I believe ...

I believe that bad things happen in life to teach us to look at good things in a whole new light.

The five W's of life:

- Who you are is what make you special. Do not change for anyone.
- What lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore.
- When life pushes you over, you push back harder.
- Where there are choices to make, make the one you wont regret.
- Why things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward.